Family Update

It’s been too long between posts!  Life is plugging along at a fast pace and sometimes I feel like I can’t keep up.  We are in the midst of a busy team season.  When you add everyday family life (including illnesses) the days go by so fast!  This post will be a simple update on what’s been going on in our family.  I’ll follow up with some ministry-related ones later this week. 

Drew and Tessa are keeping the tooth fairy really busy right now.  Tessa, who is 17 months younger than Drew, started off by losing her first tooth before Drew lost his first.  Her lead didn’t last long!  At this point, Tessa has lost two and yesterday Drew lost his fourth!  It’s amazing to me how much more grown up those lost teeth make them look to me, especially Drew, who it seems is changing and growing before my eyes.


Drew's 3rd lost tooth Astruc


There’s been a lot of sickness going around our community lately and we’ve had our share of victims in our family.  Nothing like the flu epidemic you in the States are experiencing, but bothersome nonetheless.  Braden had 6 days of a high fever in January.  After a few days I was concerned it might be malaria, so I had him tested.  The conclusion was it was either a virus or malaria.  The malaria test came back negative, but false negatives are common, so we treated him for malaria.  I don’t think that was what he had, since other missionary kids started coming down with similar symptoms when he started to recover. 

A week later, Tessa experienced 5 days of fever—and had vomiting the first 2 days of that.  Tests showed a possible infection, so she was started on antibiotics.  This was very disappointing because this occurred when our church from the Chicago area, The Orchard,  was here.  We had plans for our whole family to spend the week in the village of Astruc with the team, but because Tessa was sick, I stayed home with her and Braden.  Drew was really excited to go out to Astruc, just him and Daddy, and they had a great time with the team.  I’ll write more about that in a later post.

It seems everyone is healthy now and for that I am thankful.

We are getting really excited for the annual missionary retreat that starts next Friday.  We are excited that Pastor Russell Howard, from our church in Florida, is coming to be our speaker!   Pray for safety travelling, for both our family and Pastor Russell, and for a refreshing time in the Word and in fellowship.  This retreat is always a highlight for our whole family and we can’t wait!

