Confronted by realities…

As I look around me, I am awed at the breadth of opportunity for being the hands and feet of Jesus here.  I am confronted with the realities of wealth, and the realities of poverty.  Traveling from the financially richest economy in the world to one of the poorest, is never easy, and is always perspective altering.  People loved by God, yet broken, lost and confused, within of these realities, need the love of the body of Christ.  I want my desire to be as Paul’s, “I no longer view anyone from a worldly perspective”.  I want to see people as Jesus sees them.

My soul is singing along with Matt Redman’s Fearfully and Wonderfully made…

You gave me this breath…
and you gave me this strength…
and every day I live to obey you…
with all of my heart…
with all of my soul…
Let every breath I breathe in this place…God
So what am I gonna do in this life…
So what am I gonna do in these days you ordained
So what am I gonna do in this life……God”

Oh God, show us how to confront and minister as you would.  May our hands and feet be worn and calloused as we seek, save, heal, love and serve the broken…  Matthew 25:37-45.

From Haiti,

