
overloaded%20truck%20Senagal-%20Credit%20Daniel%20Penney Becky and I are experiencing instability in our lives right now.  Maybe you have heard, maybe you haven’t, but here is what has been going on.

Becky got a call last week from her supervisor telling her that all part time positions in her company were being eliminated in the next month or so.  They are rolling out some very aggressive changes (for now, all across Florida) for the sake of efficiency, financial savings and better pharmacy counsel and care to customers.  Becky was very excited about the coming changes.  Yet, we didn’t realize it would force her out. 

We are told there is a part time option that would allow her to work from home as a pharmacist to remotely be involved in the filling of prescriptions process (basically confirming accuracy and interactions via internet).  At first glance, this other position doesn’t sound real attractive for Becky since one of the things she loves about her job is getting out of the house and helping people face to face.  There would be a pay cut as well.  She would have to apply for this “at home” job.  At this point, we are assuming she will be highly considered as her abilities are highly appreciated.  There are some other questions that we have as to the viability of this option, but it seems to be an option nonetheless.  Beggars can’t be choosers, right?

We probably need to consider other pharmacies to see if they are hiring part time.  I must admit, we question the likelihood of this considering it is entirely possible that in our market today there may not be any other companies hiring.  Becky doesn’t want to switch to another company for many reasons, yet, it may be the only option.

We can’t afford to live without her working part time.  She has been told that if she wants it, she could manage a pharmacy full time, but going full time would have many other implications that we want to avoid.  It may have to be an option, but of last resort.

Would you pray for us?  We know that God is in control.  Becky and I both sense a real peace that is beyond our understanding.  Yet, we would love to know what is going to happen.

Generally speaking, we all live in a very unstable environment.  Today’s market is horrible.  No surprise there.  So many have lost their jobs, investments and homes.  When it comes down to it, the reality is that each breathe is totally dependent on the will of God almighty.  If you think about it, our instability is actually a reminder of the awesome faithfulness of a sovereign God and the “uber-ultimate” stability he provides in his Salvific plan for each of us.

