
I Am Back

I can hardly believe it! I am working with RMI again. After previously serving with RMI for 15 years (5 in FL, 10 in Haiti), I stepped away to serve as a Pastor at Beacon EFC here in Galloway.  I thought I would be there a long time, but God had different plans.  My time on staff at Beacon was wonderful!  It was truly a difficult decision to step away from my role there. Now, I've returned to RMI.  RMI is in my blood.  I love it.  I love how the church partnerships change peoples lives, both here in the States, and overseas.  Being present with one another cross-culturally is transforming.  It's a great joy to support the mission of seeing more and more of this happening. Let me briefly answer a few questions... Are you moving back to FL/Haiti? No.  For the foreseeable future, I'll be working out of my home office here in Galloway, NJ.  The technology that is available today makes this even more possible.  In the last couple of days, I've had 11 video calls with people


This blog is no longer active.  To connect with Rob and Becky, email us at robthompson1229 and/or beckythompson0516... both of these are addresses.

25 Missionary Values that Trigger Long Term Success...

Missionaries crash and burn all the time.  If I'm being honest, I've been on the verge many times myself.  I've made my share of mistakes.  Through it all, I've received some GREAT wisdom and counsel over the years. As I write, I'm aware of my ability to fail at any of these daily.  Here's my collection that has helped me. I hope this helps you... If you are a missionary, or planning to be a missionary, I implore you, please read these carefully with a learners ear... Love Jesus Love Others - We must be absolutely sold out and passionate about loving Jesus, and because of that loving others. Check Your Ego at the Door - Win at outdoing others in showing honor. (Rom 12:10) Those “above” you and those “below” you should both feel like they are honored by you. Never seek honor or deny being honored (but always give the praise to God). You don’t have a monopoly on being right or more spiritual. When you think you are right, seriously consider that other

Visit to Anse a Veau

Since our return to Haiti in August 2017, I have taken on some new responsibilities with RMI.  One very new area for me, is working with our Hope for Kidz Child Sponsorship Program (HFK).  Some of my work with HFK involves managing the database that contains all of our sponsored child information,  communications thru social media and blogging, and serving as a liaison between our Haiti office and Florida office. I had a request from one of our C3 Partner churches to get some information on young girl they sponsor in order to bring more awareness to the HFK program at their church (with the goal of increasing sponsorships there.)  So in early April, I took a day trip out to Anse a Veau. For me, it was special trip!  I had not been to  Anse  a  Veau  since 1999, which was my first trip to Haiti with Linwood Community Church .  The church in Anse a Veau has a special place in my heart! It was on that trip that I fell in love with Haiti and the Haitian people.  That trip changed

A Promotion!

We are proud to share that Benjamin Altema has been promoted from Field Administrator in Haiti, to the position of Director of Field Operations. Benjamin will directly report to Rob Thompson, Field Director, and the rest of the team (missionaries and Haitian staff) will now report directly to Benjamin. This change will allow Rob to focus more on big picture development and less on the day to day operations. Benjamin came to work with RMI as an administrative assistant in 2006 and his gifts of leadership and administration were evident in a very short time. Anyone who knows Benjamin and has worked with him over the years, knows that he is a Godly man of integrity and leadership. He has been a blessing to our American missionaries, Haitian staff, and our team members who have had opportunity to work with him over the last twelve years. Benjamin has been married to his beautiful wife, Lucette, for seven years and they have four handsome sons; Jason and Jaden are six years old, Alan

Project Complete!

Rob's been busy working with the RMI Haiti team to address a problem we've been experiencing. We believe that a partnership between a US Church and a Haitian Church, with RMI as the bridge, can't prosper, if there isn't at least some level of communication happening.  We realized that our system that we've been using was too arduous, it wasn't passing on information in a timely matter, it was time consuming and it wasn't passing on helpful information.  It was broken. So, we've redeveloped our system to make it much simpler, faster, effective and all around more efficient.  We're already experiencing fruit from the system both here in Haiti and in the US. If you attend one of our US Partner churches, and aren't already receiving updates directly related to your Haitian Sister Church, you can subscribe on your Church page here .

How Great Thou Art

We got the opportunity to worship at our Sister Church in Cance.  The pastor asked if Becky would sing, and she's always ready.  She loves to sing.  Here she is singing How Great Thou Art .