Here we go! Where we were a year ago…

I guess this is where the nostalgic posts begin!  Tomorrow is our one-year anniversary living in Haiti.  We plan on posting over the rest of the month our thoughts on this first year and looking back at pictures with you.  It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already.  It’s gone by fast.  It sure hasn’t been easy.  But we made it and are still smiling!  There is such joy in knowing we are right where God wants us, serving Him. Hope you enjoy the posts that follow over the next few weeks!

Here we were a year ago today, all packed up, 2 rental cars packed and ready to drive to Miami.  We stayed over night in Miami and flew to Haiti the next day.  I can’t believe how much the kids have grown since then!




Chip and Karen said…
you only thought you were hot and sweaty then!

Congrats on the anniversary! Enjoy the celebrations and reviewing the year!