Here We Go!

The container arrived today and reality is suddenly starting to set in.  In 2 weeks, that container will be driven to Miami and sent to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti with pretty much all of our earthly belongings.  I won’t see anything in it until mid-March.  Actually, I’m praying we see it again and hoping it’s out of customs by March!


For months we’ve been talking about moving to Haiti and working hard to raise the funds to go.  We’ve made good progress in the fundraising, enough to ship the container, and we are trusting God that the rest of the needed monthly support and one-time support comes in.  But here is where it gets real.  Here is where we begin the real journey of stepping out in faith.  Here is where we put our faith into action.  We are about to move out of our home, and live out of suitcases for the next 3 months.  There’s no turning back.  I’ve given notice at my job.  I’m about to give up the comfort of added income. 

A year ago I would have never imagined we would be getting ready to move overseas.  Sure, it had always been a thought in the back of our minds, but here we are, getting ready to go.  In Henry Blackaby’s study entitled “Experiencing God” he says, “We say that Christ is Lord, and He can interrupt our plans anytime He wants.  We assume He will affirm everything we are doing and never ask us to change anything we have planned.”   We are confident that the Lord has called us to take this new step in our journey of faith.  He has interrupted our plans.  And that’s ok.  I don’t want to go thru life following my plans.  I only want to be where He wants me. 

I don’t want you to get the idea that I think this is going to be easy.  I realize more and more every day that this is going to be hard.   Each step gets harder.  My trust is in Him who sends me.  He has given me a wonderful husband, and we get to do this together.  Pray for us over these next 6 months as we transition our family to a new way of life.  Pray for courage as each step takes us closer to serving in Haiti.




My wife and I will be moving to Haiti in January with our two boys to work with a group called Clean Water for Haiti. It seems like we are kind of you guys two months from now. I just wanted to encourage you to stay strong and to let yourself be joyful about the work that you are letting God do in your lives. The big changes (selling things, moving, leaving your job) are really hard, but making the changes helps you realize what you really care about.

Be ready for all of the things you are worried about (both here and in Haiti) to become more real and in some cases to come true, it seems like that's the way it works. That said, don't let those things steal the next 3 months from you. For me, this has been a great time of growth for both my family life and my faith.

Good luck!

When you were a year old I prayed that one day God would take you to a foreign country as a missionary. The LORD put those thoughts in the back of your mind [and Rob's] - as well as that prayer on my lips - because it was in HIS plan from the beginning of time!

I am encouraged to watch you all take this HUGE step of faith - giving up your comforts - but knowing that you are serving and loving our precious Lord Jesus with your very lives [what we are all called to do]!

No, none of this is easy - it wouldn't be faith if it were easy! But God is faithful to lead - teach - guide - and bring glory to Himself through all that He will do in and through your family.

Looks like He has even given you others moving to Haiti at the same time to encourage you to follow through!

It only took 33 years for God to answer that prayer - and I only prayed that for you - not the other kids! But His word says in Daniel and in Psalms - that "before that prayer was uttered... God had answered it!

You go with my blessing! Get ready to leap the wall [of faith]!

Love you much. MOM