Customer Service Trend...

I am on hold with tech support as I write this...

I probably spend more time on tech support and customer service phone calls than most.  It sort of goes with the territory of taking care of computers, equipment, billing, etc...

So over the last year I have noticed a trend.  It is not new for them to put you on hold for a long time.  We've all been there.  But I have noticed that they they have started doing something that I think lacks integrity.

So often now, the constant message I hear in my ear is something like this, "Due to unusually high call volume, your wait time may be unusually long."  Who are they kidding?  It is always long and what I find is that regardless of when I call them, they say the same thing.  This is just a way of trying to cover themselves for not having enough people cover their customer service need.  I have heard that message and been on hold for an hour, and with the same company heard that message and been on hold for like 2 minutes.  They just leave it on their system to always play.




Chip and Karen said…
Far more frustrating is the message that comes on every 60 seconds saying that they'll be right with you... and you hear that message 60 times before they get to you! You can't even get to enjoy the music!

Or how about when they have to transfer you three times (after telling your story each time)before you find someone who can give you an answer (forget about the fact that it's not the answer you want to hear!)