Why is it that conservatives don't care about the environment?

Come on people, it is God's creation.  We should be the chief proponents of cleaning up our act.  Have you looked around lately to see how incredibly stunning creation is?  Take a moment and breath it in.  Enjoy it.  Now vote for it.



Dave said…
Now you know I can't just read that and not say anything. You asked a question: "Why is it that conservatives don't care about the environment?" Answer: Because they are afraid to affirm what is true if "the other side" is aligned with it. Anything true is God's truth regardless of who aligns themselves with it. Good stewardship is God's idea regardless of who has adopted it along the way.


cookiehawk77 said…
I would have to disagree with your statement that conservatives don't care about the environment. I haven't done or read any research on the matter, but most conservatives I know DO care about the environment. However, they put it it proper perspective. Babies are more important than spotted owls (or substitute your favorite endangered species). Adam (and thus man) was given dominion over the earth and all in it. Yes, we should be good stewards. But not to the point that we mess up our priorities over it. I won't sell out to hug a tree. And my family pet is just a dog -- not my child.