Change in Plans...

Warning, graphic content follows...

So we were on our way to the airport, and Drew started crying and complaining that his belly hurt. I have been having the same symptoms plus others (which I won't tell you about in detail) for the last few days. So, reluctantly mentioned that maybe she shouldn't go? Why would she jump so fast to that suggestion, well, let me remind you about 2 previous support trips...
Fall of 2005. We took a trip to Chicagoland to visit with supporters. Drew got violently ill (diarrhea like I have never seen all over someone's floor), and so did 19 of the 20 people we met with at a gathering. We felt so embarrassed and responsible, because the few days after we left, we kept hearing of all these people that we had gotten sick. I was also sick, and couldn't read scripture in the morning service due to nausea. I just couldn't do it.

Fall of 2006. We took another trip to Chicagoland, and the entire time I was sick and had to lay low. How could that be, both trips to see the same people and I was sick. If my memory serves be correctly, I believe we fulfilled all of our duties and appointments, but it was rough! Remember the Fall 2005 experience, I don't know why anyone even met with us!
So back to today. Even though we have had these experiences, I just couldn't bring myself to say that Becky and the kids should stay home. We could do it, right? Wrong... Becky took Drew to the bathroom (he is almost potty trained). We assumed he was going to have diarrhea). He was really out of it, a little scared of the automatic flushing toilets, and just plain overwhelmed. Nothing happened. I was parking the car at the time. When I got back, he was sobbing with belly pains. It was my turn to try and take him. I kept thinking, we can make this trip if he would just "get it out of his system".

Well, he got it out of his system alright. Half way to the bathroom, he proceeded to throw-up all over himself and me. What a sight that must have been to the other fliers. I got the bathroom as quickly as possible, and let him continue. How sad. I took his shirt and my shirt off and threw them away (it was my favorite shirt! I am sure you feel sorry for me.) I didn't want to throw them away, but what could I do, they were not somewhat soiled, but they were incredibly saturated and even more smelly.

So, the decision was made. Becky and kiddos were staying home. I hate to do this trip without her, especially since we are going to visit with her home church, but what else could we do?
My poor shirt...oops, I mean, my poor Drew boy...

I love you Becky, and will see you on Monday!

